Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Options recap

A quick, quick post here...looks like ALTR beat earnings but didn't move much. I didn't read the earnings post but I saw they upped buyback. I'll recap more on their earnings report tomorrow.

On JCG, their stock dropped $4 in extended trading. A new idea I thought of is if you expect a stock to make a big move, buy a put and a call at different strike prices. This could allow us to make some money.

As far as my options go, OSK went up up up today. It was nearly a 33% gain in the option today. TSLCI went down a 1.00 but I am still up about 60% on the option. Together, a total of 940 was invested in these two options, and if I sold tomorrow I could rake in $1450. That is a 50% gain in a week. OSK was up even while everything was down. I think they were two lucky calls.

I was reading up on SIRI today, and it is debatable whether the merger will go through this year or not. I am now commited for the long haul. I was thinking of selling calls on SIRI for DEC 07 and using the money to buy calls for MAR 08. The deal will for sure be done by then and I will have less vested after DEC. That should pay off the holiday shopping season bills.

Anyways, that's a quick recap in about 5 mins. Come back tomorrow for a more in depth look.

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