Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bouncin back?

Today we got a good bounce back. This market is definitely not for those fai of heart. The last two days have boded well for me as my two top stocks have bounced back. My top three investments are GRMN, ACH and CRDN. CRDN is up 3 bucks over two days, ACH the same and GRMN is up 13!!! It is time to take some off the table because I feel the market will continue downward. Anyways, back to CRDN talk.

I continue to remain bullish on CRDN. It has bottomed and it will continue upward. Today in a conference call CRDN reiterated guidance and covered all facets of their business. They seem to be in more business than I thought. I still believe they will get several MRAP II orders, which we will hear about by December. I also feel that they have an increased short float due to the previously falling share price. This means we could see a huge jump on any good news. Currently, my call options (5 Jun 08 50's) are close to the strike price (closed at 46). After we break 50, every movement of 1.00 in share price means $500 for me. I will be looking to sell 5 June 08 80's at $3.00 or better to get some cash in hand. This will complete my spread and then I can sit and wait for paydirt.

1 comment:

ashley said...

Hey...slacking on the blog, eh?