Monday, January 28, 2008

long time no talk

Yes, I have not been writing on here much because I've been busy losing money. I'm having trouble buying puts at these prices although prices shouldn't be looked at when purchasing a put. I currently am buying calls in groups of 5 or 10. These calls are out of the money calls 5-7 months out. I look to buy and sell within the day or week. I don't want to hold onto my positions for long in this market.

I currently have or own calls on EMC, GLW, SGP, BSC, AAPL, BBY and SIRI.

I'm looking to buy some contracts for some large cap banks, retail, ag or infastructure. I'm focusing on wb, jcg or shld, mon / mos / agu, or sgr / fwlt. These companies have all come down enough where starting a position in them should fare well long term.

I would really like to get out of these positions but feel it's the only way to make up for lost time. hopefully the fed doesn't drop the ball this week and cut lightly, which would resend the markets into panic mode.

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